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What is podcasting?

Podcasting has become a hugely popular audio medium however it can sometimes cause confusion with people as to what exactly the term means.

Basically podcasts are like pre-recorded radio programmes.  They can be of any length from five minutes to several hours long and usually contain mainly spoken word.  They cover practically all genres including comedies, news and current affairs, documentaries and fiction.  They are usually serialised, available for download and often consumed by listeners on mobile devices while outside their home.

For people looking to create audio programmes like this, podcasting is a very attractive format as they do not necessarily rely on radio stations to be broadcast.  Instead they can be hosted on a variety of online platforms such as Podbean and then made searchable through global directories such as Stitcher.   In this way the podcast writer has total autonomy over the length and content of their show free from radio schedules and with the added benefit of being exempt from Ofcom regulations.  This also means that their programmes can be archived and downloaded for a wider audience share.

This doesn’t mean that radio stations are unsuitable places for podcasting.  Radio stations regularly broadcast pre-recorded material and spoken word content.  This is especially the case with community radio stations for whom broadcasting a certain percent of spoken word content with a local theme is part of their broadcast licence obligation.  This can be a very useful tool for local charities and community organisations who may want to regularly keep the stations listenership informed as to upcoming events and news from their respective groups.

Serialised podcasts produced by Jacket Pocket Media currently hosted online

Down The Lane

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The Talking Circle

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Stand Up

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From Ozzy
to Onny

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